6 Types of Hydroponic Systems Explained

Are you looking for the best type of hydroponic system? lf you're not sure how to choose the right hydroponic system, ask for honest feedback from trusted friends, colleagues, or professionals. Now, Let's take a look at these hydroponics, and help you understand the difference between systems.

1.Wick System

2.Water Culture

3.Ebb and Flow(Flood and Drain)

4.Drip Systems

5.N.F.T. (Nutrient Film Technology)

6.Aeroponic Systems

hydroponic systems

The wick system is easily the simplest type of hydroponic system that you can use to grow plants, which means that it can be used by practically anyone. The wick system is notable for not using aerators, pumps, or electricity. In fact, it’s the only hydroponic system that doesn’t require the use of electricity. With the majority of wick systems, the plants are placed directly within an absorbent substance like perlite or vermiculite. Nylon wicks are positioned around the plants before being sent straight down into the nutrient solution.

hydroponic system

A water culture system is another highly simplistic type of hydroponic system that places the roots of the plant directly into the nutrient solution. While the wick system places certain materials between the plants and the water, the water culture system bypasses this barrier. The oxygen that the plants need to survive is sent into the water by a diffuser or air stone. When you use this system, keep in mind that the plants should be secured into their proper position with net pots.

hydroponic system

The ebb and flow system is another popular hydroponic system that’s mainly used among home gardeners. With this type of system, the plants are positioned in a spacious grow bed that’s packed with a grow medium like rockwool or perlite. Once the plants are carefully planted, the grow bed will be flooded with a nutrient-rich solution until the water reaches a couple inches below the top layer of the grow medium, which ensures that the solution doesn’t overflow.

hydroponic system

drip system is an easy-to-use hydroponic system that can be quickly altered for different types of plants, which makes this a great system for any grower who plans to make regular changes. The nutrient solution that’s used with a drip system is pumped into a tube that sends the solution straight to the plant base. At the end of each tube is a drip emitter that controls how much solution is placed into the plant. You can adjust the flow to meet the needs of each individual plant.

hydroponic system

The N.F.T. system has a simple design but is widely used because of how well it scales to a variety of different applications. When you use one of these systems, the nutrient solution is placed into a large reservoir. From here, the solution is pumped into sloped channels that allow the excess nutrients to flow back into the reservoir. When the nutrient solution is sent into the channel, it flows down the slope and over the roots of each plant to provide the right amount of nutrients.

hydroponic system

Aeroponic systems are easy-to-understand but somewhat difficult to build. With this type of system, the plants that you wish to grow will be suspended in air. A couple of mist nozzles are positioned below the plants. These nozzles will spray the nutrient solution onto the roots of each plant, which has proven to be a very effective hydroponic method. The mist nozzles are connected directly to the water pump. When the pressure increases in the pump, the solution is sprayed with any excess falling down into the reservoir below.

hydroponic system

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Post time: Jun-01-2022

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